Testing & Achievement

Cari Jo Drewitz
Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

Liz Burns
MARSS and District Assessment Coordinator

Tera Weyer
District Curriculum and Assessment Admin Specialist

The primary purpose of testing in School District 197 is to provide information to help improve instruction. The data received from testing helps the district analyze student progress and district curriculum. It also helps identify which programs will be most helpful for each student and holds the district accountable for offering the best possible education.

As part of a culture of academic integrity, we would like to remind families and students about the importance of test security and the expectation that families and students keep test content secure and act with honesty and integrity during test administration. Testing and Assessment is overseen by School District 197’s Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Department.  For questions, please contact Tera Weyer, District Curriculum and Assessment Admin Specialist at 651-403-7009 or tera.weyer@isd197.org