School District 197 Strategic Framework
In School District 197, our Strategic Framework provides an organized approach to achieving educational goals and supporting student learning and development. It aligns District operations with community values and helps us create clear expectations for our schools and administration.
How the Strategic Framework was Developed
In the fall of 2019, we hosted community-wide sessions to gather input into creating a revised strategic plan. Hundreds of community members, students, and staff discussed what students need to learn to prepare for their future, what they value about our schools, and what new opportunities the District should explore. A representative group from the school community met to discuss the input and create a new Strategic Framework. The school board approved the framework in June 2020 and implemented it during the 2020-21 school year.
What Was Created
The strategic planning work resulted in developing one mission statement, belief statements, a list of goals, and focus areas that identify what the District will focus on to help accomplish our goals. See the below for what is included in our Strategic Framework.
A Closer Look at Our Guiding Principles
How the Strategic Framework Works
Each year, we determine the specific strategies the District needs to implement to move us toward our desired improvements. These strategies, which we call “implementation targets,” are described in more detail below and in our annual reports.
Ways We Measure Performance
Every fall, we publish an annual report that shows progress of our strategic goals. The report identifies performance measures and the degree to which the District is progressing toward those outcomes. The reports are available below.
Annual Reports & Implementation Plans
Each year, School District 197 publishes an implementation plan, which outlines the district's academic goals and plans for the coming year. The district also produces an annual report each year, which includes:
- District goals & improvement plans
- Academic standards and curriculum alignment
- Curriculum Advisory Committee (CAC) member information
- Progress toward strategic goals