Warrior Academy for Elementary Students

Warrior Online Academy is a good fit for elementary students who:

  • Have a designated learning space where they can be successful 
  • Are persistent, self-motivated and disciplined 
  • Are able to communicate when they need assistance 
  • Understand the importance of time management 
  • Comfortable learning in an online setting and familiar with virtual educational platforms such as Google Meet and Seesaw


As families consider the online learning option, we encourage them to consider the conditions and resources necessary to create a successful educational experience.

  1. Daily Support from a Family Member: An elementary-age learner needs to have an adult to provide daily support with learning by reviewing the daily schedule and learning tasks.
  2. Persistence: Being focused, self-motivated, and disciplined helps a student in online learning stick with a challenge, practice consistently, and focus on an assignment.
  3. Time Management Skills: Managing time well is helpful in online learning. Students will be working independently at their own pace.
  4. Communication Skills: Communicating in an online learning environment uses different skills than those needed in a face-to-face classroom. Students must seek out support when needed and communicate with the teachers if they have questions. They must also be comfortable with using video conferencing software such as Google Meet to communicate with teachers and classmates.

Additional Academy Information