November 14 Special Meeting Highlights

November 14 Special Meeting Highlights

The minutes from the November 14, 2023 meeting will be reviewed and approved by the School District 197 School Board at the Monday, November 27, 2023 meeting. For more information about meeting agendas and minutes, please CLICK HERE.

Action Item - Approval of the Agenda
The motion carried (5-0).

Action Item – Approval of Resolution Canvassing the Results of the November 7, 2023 School District General and Special Elections
Superintendent Olson-Skog presented the abstract of votes cast and a resolution canvassing the election results from the November 7, 2023 School District General and Special Elections.

Be it resolved by the School Board of Independent School District No. 197, State of Minnesota, as follows:

1. It is hereby found, determined and declared that a general election and a special election of the voters of the School District held on November 7, 2023, was in all respects duly and legally called and held.

2. As specified in the Abstract of Votes Cast, a total of 6,310 voters of the School District voted at said general election on the election of four (4) school board members for four (4) year term vacancies on the School Board caused by expiration of term on the first Monday in January next following general election.

3. Per the abstract Randi Walz, Byron Schwab, Tim Aune and Morgan Steele, having received the highest number of votes, are elected to four (4)-year terms beginning on the first Monday in January, 2024.

4. As specified in the Abstract of Votes Cast, at said special election, a total of 6,285 voters of the School District voted on the question of approving a referendum revenue authorization of the School District for taxes payable in 2024 and thereafter (SCHOOL DISTRICT QUESTION 1), of which 3,771 voted in favor, 2,514 voted against the same, and there were 25 blank votes. Said proposition, having received the approval of at least a majority of such votes, is hereby declared to have carried.

5. As specified in the Abstract of Votes Cast, at said special election, a total of 6,288 voters of the School District voted on the question of renewing the expiring capital project levy authorization for technology of the School District for taxes payable in 2024 and thereafter (SCHOOL DISTRICT QUESTION 2), of which 4,198 voted in favor, 2,090 voted against the same, and there were 22 blank votes. Said proposition, having received the approval of at least a majority of such votes, is hereby declared to have carried.

6. The Clerk is hereby directed to certify the results of the elections to the County Auditors of each county in which the School District is located in whole or in part. The Clerk is further directed to report the results of the referendum revenue authorization and renewal of expiring capital project levy authorization for technology to the Commissioner of Education within fifteen (15) days of the date hereof.

The motion carried (5-0).


The motion carried (5-0).