2024 National Merit Scholarship Program Commended Students
Congratulations are in order for Two Rivers seniors Quinn Hendel and Luke Reisig—both named Commended Students in the 2024 National Merit Scholarship Program and recognized for their outstanding ability and potential for academic success in college. We wanted to know what advice they had for high school students and how they balance it all—check out their interviews below.
Luke Reisig
How has Two Rivers helped prepare you for the PSAT?
I have taken challenging classes.
As a class of 2024 senior, what impact has Two Rivers had on your future plans? Any staff or specific classes you want to identify or share about?
Calculus BC was very important for me to be able to take in high school. It gave me the ability to learn complex mathematical concepts and solidified my passion for mathematics. While last year the class wasn’t going to be offered since only 9 students signed up for it, I am very glad that they decided to run it. Mr. Kluznik (Kluz) had a very big impact on my life and future plans. He taught me Calculus AB and BC and pushed me to think in new ways, but he is so much more than just a math teacher. He is always willing to talk through things with me and give me advice for my future.
What extracurricular activities do you participate in? Have those shaped your future goals?
I play baseball, run cross country, and Nordic ski, National Honor Society, and Student Council, and tutoring. They have given me time management skills and allowed me to help others. These activities have helped me realize that I may want to work in academia.
Advice for underclassmen or even middle school students to get ready for high school and make the most of it?
When you are asked if you want to do something, say yes. Whether that is joining a club, going to support a sports team, or being invited to hang out with friends, it's always better to be busy.
How do you juggle and prioritize school etc.?
I make sure that I have time dedicated to completing my assignments. When I am working on schoolwork I try not to go on my phone and stay focused.
Quinn Hendel
You’re being recognized for your outstanding performance on the qualifying PSAT test you took last fall – any advice for current students scheduled to take it this October?
Drink so much water the week leading up. That and several nights of good sleep are the main contributors for me. And don’t worry about it too much. Being nervous doesn’t do anything, and at the end of the day it's just another test.
How has Two Rivers helped prepare you for the PSAT?
The teachers here are wonderful. Building a positive relationship with staff members here has been very important to me, and feeling like I always have someone I can talk to if I’m struggling with a concept is so helpful.
As a class of 2024 senior, what impact has Two Rivers had on your future plans?Any staff or specific classes you want to identify or share about?
Mr. Geiger, Mr. Countryman, and Ms. Ramisch, have all helped push me in my pursuit of a career in acting. Mr. Geiger introduced me to Speech, where I was able to finetune monologues over the course of the season, helping me to go to multiple state and national-level meets. Mr. Countryman, choir teacher and musical director has helped me balance my academic life with my artistic one, reminding me the importance of opportunity-cost. Ms. Ramisch, Drama department director, is one of the adults in the school I know I can turn to for frank and honest feedback on all things theatre and has directed some of my favorite plays. Dr. Johnson, of course, has also been incredibly supportive of all that I do, and has been a consistent force of positivity and someone I look to as a role model.
What extracurricular activities do you participate in? Have those shaped your future goals?
I try to participate in as wide a breadth of activities as possible. I have held multiple executive positions on the Drama Board, am Student Council Vice President, NHS Historian, Speech Captain, ex-secretary of Key Club, founded two theatre adjacent activities, and dance both in and out of school. I volunteer when I can on weekends, and of course love to act whenever able. All of this has helped me gain much needed perspective on the world, and made me all the more sure that a career in performance where I can bring people happiness is the place for me.
Advice for underclassmen or even middle school students to get ready for high school and make the most of it?
Literally just be nice to people and you’ll be fine. A kind word or a small compliment, or even remembering someone’s name in the hall can go so far.
We see you everywhere Quinn–how do you juggle and prioritize it all? Apple Calendar, herbal tea, and raw lettuce.