Eighth Grade High School Tour

Published December 2023

Navigating Transitions: Helping Eighth-Graders Prepare for Life at Two Rivers High School

Bridging the gap between middle and high school can be a crucial step in preparing students for success.
This year, we made significant changes to address this transition—mainly based on feedback from staff, students, and families who expressed the desire for more in-depth experiences during this pivotal period. 

Connecting Courses to Careers
Based on our Strategic Framework's emphasis on making students "College and Career Ready," we wanted to illustrate how various careers tie to specific courses offered at Two Rivers, such as the culinary kitchen, wood workshop, video production, personal finance, world language programs, and music spaces. In previous years, we conducted brief presentations at each middle school, but this time, we opted for a full-day immersive experience at the high school for all district eighth graders. Students who missed this experience are encouraged to attend the December 5, 2024 evening event.

High School 101
The day-long event for eighth graders at Two Rivers included activities such as:

  • Understanding the high school registration process
  • Receiving academic planning guides
  • Exploring elective course opportunities through hands-on experiences in Tech Ed, Art, FACS, Business, Music, World Language, and PE/Health
  • Touring the high school
  • Engaging with an activity fair showcasing clubs, activities, and sports
  • Enjoying lunch in the cafeteria

Small groups, led by Two Rivers student leaders and staff, provided a personalized experience for the eighth-graders. The day aimed to demystify the high school experience and help students understand the importance of academic planning.

What surprised me the most about the tour was all the different classes I’m able to take.” - Amaya, Heritage E-STEM student.

From new classes, course topics, opportunities, schedules, and friends—we’re excited to continue helping students prepare for new adventures.

What's Next

  • Advanced Course Lunches: Middle school counselors have invited eighth-grade students considering any of the following advanced courses for ninth grade: Advanced Language Arts, preAP Science, or AP Human Geography, to have lunch with high school students on Thursday, November 30, at Heritage E-STEM Magnet School and Friday, December 1, 2023 at Friendly Hills Middle School. During lunch, students will hear from two current Two Rivers students about how they made their course selections, what considerations they made, and what they would do differently if they could. Eighth-grade students should see their counselor if they still need to sign up and want to attend.

  • Parent Information Night: We encourage parents and guardians of current eighth graders to attend the Ninth Grade Parent Information Night on December 5, 2023 at Two Rivers High School. Better yet—bring your students to see firsthand what aspects of the visit excited and interested them! The purpose of the eighth-grade tour and Parent Information Night is to bring the Two Rivers academic planning guide to life—helping families and students understand the process of course selection and its significance for their student's educational journey.

What Students are Saying...

"What I enjoyed most about the tour was the woodshop and the mechanic garage. I was excited to find out all the classes like cooking etc, the music section with orchestra and band, and the gym learning about the weight room and leaderboard. Last but not least, I’m excited next year to do all my classes and do my electives, and learn where everything in the building is." - Julian, Friendly Hills student

"What most surprised me about the tour was how many levels of each class there are (such as the math classes as you go to the next grade and all the options for them, etc.). I think my favorite part was getting to walk around the school and really see all of the electives you can choose from. I think what I’m most excited for is definitely the theater and getting to be in musicals." - Dilynn Heritage E-STEM student.