Capital Project Technology Levy

Question 2 asks voters to renew the district’s capital project levy (also called the "technology levy"), which provides the district’s technology infrastructure, including student devices, classroom technologies, and teacher training.

The current capital project levy was approved in 2014 and raises approximately $2.3 million annually for district-wide technology needs.

If this question were approved, it would result in no increased cost to taxpayers. 


Minnesota does not provide school districts with categorical aid for technology; districts must rely on technology levies for these essential dollars.  


Investing in Technology. Improving Infrastructure. 

If voters approve the technology levy renewal, it would provide a predictable funding stream for:

  • Student and staff technology devices.
  • Classroom learning and teacher training.
  • Reliable internet access and fiber connectivity.
  • Technology infrastructure and software licenses.
  • Paying the salaries of our technology staff and the cost of training.

If voters do not approve the renewal, the levy will expire and the district would need to:

  • Stop replacing old devices. Old devices wouldn't go away immediately but would become increasingly less usable.
  • No longer be able to provide a learning device for each student.
  • Adjust the tech staff—our team who supports our teachers and buildings with all of their technology needs. 


There is no tax increase if voters approve the levy, because it is a straight renewal of an existing locally approved levy.